A Simple and Realistic Morning Routine To Start Your Day With God


How do you start your day? Do you rush out the door with no time to think or plan, only to find that by lunchtime you’re already exhausted? Or do you take some time for yourself each morning to connect with God and get centered before the day starts?

Your Bible Study time does not need to be picture perfect and long and laborious. It can be as simple as carving out 15 minutes each day to spend time in prayer and Bible Study. If you’re looking for some practical ways to start your day with God, keep reading! We’ll share some tips that can help you make the most of those quiet moments before everything gets hectic.


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What The Bible Says About Starting Your Day With God?

Are you one of those people who starts their day off with a cup of coffee and the news? While there’s nothing wrong with that, did you know that you could start your day with God instead? 

Jesus was a morning person, early in the morning he would rise and find a place of solitude to commune with the father. Not just once but on multiple occasions you find Jesus stepping away from the cares of this world to spend time in prayer.  While you certainly don’t have to have your quiet time first thing in the morning, I think at a minimum our first thoughts should be focused on him.

This could be as simple as uttering a morning prayer before hopping out of bed. So what does the Bible say about starting your day with God? While you won’t find start your day with God scripture, we do find examples worth following on starting your day with Jesus. 

“And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.” Mark 1:35


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Why is It Important to Start Your Day With God?

Do you ever feel like you’re just too busy to start your day with God? Your day typically starts by running around trying to accomplish things on your to do list. You’re not alone. But did you know that starting your day with God is one of the most important things you can do for yourself? 

Starting your day with God slows you down and centers your mindset on things above than things of this world. Give it a try, start your day with God and you will soon realize how much more strength and peace of mind you have to tackle the day and how less flustered you are throughout the course of the day. 


How Do I Start My Day With God?

When it comes to outward appearances of Bible Study there is no shortage of pretty Bible colored pages and the latest Bible study books neatly photographed with a captivating caption on Instagram. To those looking on, it can feel like you are failing in Bible Study. I feel you friend!

Too often we overcomplicate Bible Study. I am here to tell you that my Bible Study time is by no means quiet, there isn’t a perfect spot and I don’t have a bunch of fancy Bible study tools. But what I do have is a earnest desire to get to know and spend time with God. 

With a 9-5 job, a newborn, and being a wife, I needed to establish a new Christ Centered morning routine. So I decided to develop a new morning routine to help me start my day with God. It ain’t perfect but I trust you will gain some tips to craft your own morning routine. 



Tips For A Successful Quiet Time With God

It’s been said that the best way to get to know someone is to spend time with them. The same is true when it comes to getting to know God. Spending time with Him in prayer and Bible study is one of the most important things you can do for your spiritual growth. Here are a few tips for having a successful quiet time with God.


Have an Evening Routine

The key to successfully starting your day with God is to have an effective evening routine. You will want to ensure that you go to bed early so you are fully rested both physically and mentally. You are way more likely to hit the snooze button if you are tired and not fully rested. So many women struggle to find the time in their days—and in their weeks and even months—to find the time to fill their souls. Wouldn’t it be ideal to structure your morning so that you are placing top priority on nurturing your soul before launching into your day? 

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Having a Bible study basket close by with your Bible Study resources also ensures you are prepared for the day ahead. You know exactly what to read and where to find your resources when its time to connect with God instead of wasting previous time trying to figure out what to study or where to find your study resources. I also like to write out a to do list so I know what I need to get accomplished the following day. I am not carrying the to do list in my head so am way more focused on prayer and Bible study the following day than being preoccupied with things I  am trying not to forget. Here is a handy resource to help you makeover your evenings so you are not overwhelmed when you wake up.


Keep it Simple

Your goal each morning is simply to connect with God, you don’t need to make it an ordeal. Determine how how much time you can devote to spending with God each morning. Do you have just five minutes or maybe 15 minutes? Commit to making this a priority. You will also want to turn off you phone or put it out of reach as this is often more of a distraction and time suck.

Ensure you have a plan for what you will do during your quiet time. This year I am reading through the Bible chronologically in order of book authorship. I am using this handy checklist to keep track of what I have read and what I need to read each day. I typically start off with prayer then my daily readings and then write out my reflections. I then close out in prayer, praying based on what I have read. Prayer should be the first thing you do when you wake up. Express your gratitude to God and talk to him about your plans for the day.

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Reading during your breakfast time also helps to get your daily reading in, especially when you are busy! You don’t have to use my method, find what works for you, but ensure that it simple and not to many steps.  Back in the day, I would listen to an audio Bible as I drove to work. Maybe you love scripture writing or inductive studies incorporate this into your daily routine. Here are some additional Bible Study methods to try. It may be hard at times but stick to it, prepare to see your relationship with God get transformed. 


Listen to Christ-Centered Songs

Sometimes I will listen to Christian songs, whether on the radio or a playlist as I get ready. More often than not, I will have those songs replaying in my head throughout the day. These songs are great to keep your mind focused on things above. 


Start Your Day With God Quotes

Having a Christ-centered morning routine will not only help you be happier throughout the day but will also help you become more like Him and have a better relationship with your Savior. Use these tips to turn your morning routine into a spiritual one. Here are some additional start your day with God quotes to offer some inspiration!

“The prayer offered to God in the morning during your quiet time is the key that unlocks the door of the day. Any athlete knows that it is the start that ensures a good finish.” – Adrian Rogers

The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early on their knees. He who fritters away the early morning, its opportunity and freshness, in other pursuits than seeking God will make poor headway seeking Him the rest of the day. If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be in the last place the remainder of the day. – E.M. Bounds

He who runs from God in the morning will scarcely find Him the rest of the day. – John Bunyan

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