The 14 Best International Christian Charities Worldwide

Looking for the best christian charities? From hampers to food drives and shoe box projects, during the Christmas season, charities are flooded with gifts and donations to help.

But, often we forget about charitable organizations during the other 11 months of the year.

There are so many ways you can get involved with your local charity, from volunteering and donating to even organizing fundraising events. You are only limited by your own creativity!

As a year round charity initiative, my colleagues and I throughout the year will often collect hotel samples to later donate to a local charity organization. Being sales representatives, we are constantly on the road, so find it convenient to buildup a stockpile of basic hygiene supplies from our various hotel stays.

The only downside, is that there are so many different charities to support and it can be hard to determine where exactly to devote your time.

To help you out, we have done some of the work for you and compiled a list of christian charity organizations with highlights on the work they do. You are bound to find religious charity groups that you are excited to support this year!

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What Does The Bible Say About Christian Charities?

Being charitable involves helping those less fortunate, whether that’s through monetary donations, purchasing a charity bracelet to bring awareness to the charity a or simply by showing love and compassion to others. Christ had a heart for helping those in need and as followers of Christ, I believe we should develop a heart for serving others as well.

Here are some of my favorite bible verses about charity. These have all been taken from the King James Version. I particularly like these scriptures on charity as they speak to the right motives we should have when it comes to being a cheerful giver.

Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.Matthew 19:21

“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.Proverbs 19:17

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Luke 6:38

But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? 1 John 3:17

Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.Matthew 6:2

“For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:Matthew 25:35

Christian Charity Organizations List -Best Christian Charities

Its time to dive in! Here is a compilation of International Christian Charity Organization you can consider supporting this year with suggestions on ways you can get involved.  While you can certainly gift to any of the charity organizations below, you can also consider initiatives closer to home such as donating to your local food bank or identifying a family or individual in your local community or church that could benefit from some assistance.

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1. World Vision Canada

World Vision is one of the Christian charity organizations that provides global relief, and development by partnering with communities to help bring about lasting change by tackling causes of poverty and injustice.

The mission of this nonprofit organization is to follow Jesus’ example of showing unconditional love to the poor and oppressed. They do publish their financial reports for those that want to dive into the numbers. At a glance, here is a current breakdown of their expenditures.

Christian Charities - World Vision

Some of the projects they have been involved in includes: distributing food to children and families affected by hunger, helping people learn the importance of clean water and providing life saving medication to keep children healthy.

Some ways you can get involved:

Volunteer by giving of your time to help children worldwide

Participating in a group fundraiser

Purchasing a gift through their gift catalogue

2. Operation Blessing

Operation Blessing is a humanitarian organization involved in alleviating human suffering in the U.S and around the world. This one of the Christian charity organizations that gets involved in hunger relief, providing clean water solutions, disaster relief as well as medical care to those in need. From looking at their financial statements, you will also quickly realize that the bulk of donations go towards gifts and their programs.

Some ways you can get involved:

Become a monthly giving partner

Find volunteer opportunities with Operation Blessing

Give a one time donation

Purchasing a gift through their gift catalogue

Assist a candidate waiting for surgery by visiting their surgeries catalog

Shop AmazonSmile to support Operation Blessing!

4. Children’s Hunger Fund

Sadly, more than ten percent of the world’s population lives in extreme poverty. Children’s Hunger Fund is one of the Christian charity organizations that partners with local church’s to help feed hungry children around the world while providing a message of hope. Around 96% of the revenues they receive go to support programs that help suffering children and their families.

Some ways you can get involved:

Volunteer with Children’s Hunger Fund

Start A Fundraising Initiative

Make a donation to Children’s Hunger Fund

Get involved in a PakProject

5. The Salvation Army

Step into any major stores especially during the holiday season and you will likely see a kettle bell ringer, collecting donations for The Salvation Army. “The Salvation Army is a Christian organization that gives hope and support to vulnerable people in 400 communities across Canada and in 131 countries.

The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world.” They get involved in in initiatives such as: emergency disaster services, providing housing and shelters, social services, thrift stores as well as they do operate worship services. 91

Some ways you can get involved:

Volunteer with the Salvation Army

Make a donation online

Christian Charities

Christian charities have been around for centuries, and they’re not going anywhere anytime soon. They are a part of the fabric of our society. They help people with different needs, from health care to housing and disaster relief. Here are some additional Christian charities you can consider getting involved with.

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6. Charity Water

If you haven’t heard the personal testimony of the founder of Charity Water, I would encourage you to give it a listen. The first time I heard it, it literally brought me to tears, a former nightclub promoter to leading a christian mission aimed at providing clean drinking water for all. “Charity: water is a non-profit christian charity organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries.”

Some ways you can get involved:

Start a fundraiser for Charity Water

Make a donation online


“ADRA is the official humanitarian agency of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. ADRA Canada works as part of the global ADRA network. Through this network, their reach extends into more than 130 countries. They work with communities in Canada and overseas to help them to lift themselves out of poverty, creating a brighter future.” They get involved in a number of initiatives such as: emergency response, providing education, providing clean sources of water, empowering women and girls with skills training, they work to improve sustainable food production in developing countries,and offer health, and economic opportunities.

Some ways you can get involved:

Become a ADRA Ambassador

Make a donation online

Participate in a mission trip

Volunteer in emergencies

Organize a fundraiser in aid of ADRA

8. Samaritan’s Purse

Are you familiar with Operations Christmas Child? If so, you are likely familiar with Samaritan’s Purse. “Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ.” They get involved in a number of initiatives such as: emergency response, medical missions and human trafficking prevention among other projects.

Some ways you can get involved:

Make a donation online

Join Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Response Team

Participate in a mission trip project

Volunteer as a medical missionary

Start a fundraiser in aid of Samaritan’s Purse

9. Mustard Seed

“The Mustard Seed is another christian charity organization that helps the poor, they provide a safe and supportive place where individuals experiencing barriers associated with poverty and homelessness can have their physical needs met in the short term. In the long term, the process to heal and grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for a better life down the road can begin.”

Some ways you can get involved:

Host a fundraising event

Sponsor a meal

Make a donation online

Individual or Group Volunteering

10. Children’s Cup

Children’s Cup offers children hope in Jesus, empowering them to overcome hardship, and inspiring them to change their community from the inside out. They provide nutritious meals to children as well as life saving medications. Depending on the community they also provide mental development opportunities such as English tutoring and skills training as well as their spiritual well-being.

Some ways you can get involved:

Sponsor a child

Become a missionary

Go on a short missionary trip

Make a donation online

11. Compassion International

 Compassion International is one of the world’s leading child development agencies. They partner with local churches to end poverty in the lives of children and their families. They believe that by investing in children they will develop into adults that can make an impact on their communities. In Compassion’s program, children learn they are loved, they begin to develop hope for their future, and they realize that God wants to use them to help others. And these children grow up to be givers and community leaders.

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Some ways you can get involved:

Volunteer with Compassion International

Organize a fundraising event

Write letters to children

Make a donation online

12. Food For the Poor

“Food For the Poor provides lifesaving food for the hungry, secure housing, clean water, healthcare, emergency relief, micro-enterprise projects and education opportunities, we are giving the poor a chance at a better future, and showing them God’s love.” Through their mission, millions of people have been fed, they have built more than 87,000 homes and provided over $16 billion in aid support.

Some ways you can get involved:

Join a mission trip

Make a donation online

13. Hope Worldwide

Hope Worldwide is an international charity organization that seeks to make impact in the community by helping the poor and needy just like Jesus did. They also get involved with disaster response and have helped to provide hurricane disaster relief in places like Central America and the Philippines which was hit by four typhoons.

Some ways you can get involved:

Make a donation online

Volunteer with Hope Worldwide

14. Operation Underground Railroad

Operation Underground Railway involves the world’s experts in extraction operations getting involved in anti-child trafficking efforts to bring an end to child slavery. Extraction teams consists of former CIA, past and current law enforcement, and highly skilled operatives that lead coordinated identification and extraction efforts. Once victims are rescued, efforts are started to bring the perpetrators to justice and rehabilitation to survivors.

Some ways you can get involved:

Make a donation online

Volunteer with Operation Underground Railway

Create a fundraiser for Operation Underground Railway

Shop merchandise in support of Operation Underground Railway


International Christian Charity Organizations

That was quite the list of religious charity groups. Want even more resources? You may wish to consider one of my favorite books, The Lipstick Gospel. The Lipstick Gospel shares the personal story of Stephanie May Wilson who found God in the perfect cappuccino and the Sistine Chapel, on cobblestone streets and in the slums of Costa Rica, in piles of spaghetti and dangerous escapades through the African bush. It just might spark your desire to go on a mission trip or donate to a religious charity group!

Charity Navigator

I am sure you have seen the emails from random groups asking for donations. They are often touching and heartfelt. While some are often scams others can be legitimate. But, how do you know this?

Before donating, its great to talk to others to see if they have heard of the company you are considering donating to or consider donating to local causes or church organizations you are familiar with. If metrics and financial reports is your thing, consider using a website like Charity Navigator that provides ratings, metrics and data for charities to help you make informed decisions prior to donating to a non-profit organization.

Christian Organizations

Do you have a favorite religious charity organization that is not on this list? I would love to hear about them and the work they do in the comments below! My hope is that you found this list of religious nonprofit organizations helpful.

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Bible Verses About Serving Others

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  1. thank you for including Children’s Cup in your list! we are honored and humbled to be included in a list with such incredible organizations. and thank you for all you’re doing to help connect people to resources we need in our walk with Christ. it’s worth doing. keep it up!!

  2. We have a Non Profit Organization in Mookgopkng Limpopo South Africa. It’s called Spring Water youth Hub. We bring the Gospel and food to our Community Children and afterwards they play Sports. It keeps them of the streets.

  3. Good morning have a good day amen God bless you more than More and use you more for his glory and powerfull name amen with best regards sheraz Arshad

  4. Hi, I was just googling about different Christian charities and stumbled on this list. I already knew about some on the list but I’m very grateful for finding out about others. Thank you for taking the time in putting it together. May God bless you for that as you have played a part in the donations I will send to these charities.

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