31 Spiritual Journal Prompts – Journaling Ideas to Inspire You

spiritual journaling prompts


Spiritual journal prompts are awesome, especially when you are staring at a blank page and not sure exactly what to say. I got my first journal in high school. Back then we called it a diary. It had a fancy key and lock where I could pen my thoughts then lock them away without ever having to worry that someone would pry on what I had written.

At least until you lose the key and then have to ask said person you didn’t want to see it for help with opening it. Yikes! yeah that happened to me.

Those pages were filled with my highs and lows, juicy stories of my struggles with my various friendships, to me finally deciding to move thousands of miles away from home. 

Whenever I have the pleasure of flipping through my journal, I am blessed with memories and a chuckle or too of things I did during my high school days and wonder why I ever stopped journaling. While I don’t journal as much I I use to, I find that capturing my experiences in written form helps to serve as a reminder of how I have grown, my struggles and what God has been doing in my life. Journaling can do the same for you too, especially during times when you need a reminder that God is still faithful. 

I know it can be difficult staring at a blank page and not sure exactly what to write , so here are 31 spiritual journaling prompts to guide you. 


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How Does Journaling Help Spiritually?

While I don’t practice spiritual journaling regularly, I like doing spiritual journaling exercises at the start of the new year.  I have a month long Christian spiritual journal prompts pdf that allow me to reflect on areas God is calling me to work on as well as make plans for intentionally growing my faith. 

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Spiritual journaling can be great for prayer journaling especially if you struggle with staying focused whenever you pray. Plus, months from now when you look back you can visibly see your answered prayers and how God has been working in your life. 


What Should I Write in My Spiritual Journal?

There will be days when you know exactly what you would like to express in your spiritual journal then there are days when you stare at the blank page and wonder exactly what you should write. Christian journaling prompts are quite helpful in such cases as a jumping off point.  Ideas for journaling could be journaling your prayers with a prayer journal or expressing your gratitude to God by keeping a gratitude journal. 

Spiritual journal prompts

Spiritual Journal Prompts PDF

From the blog, you can download a 31 day spiritual journaling prompts pdf.  Its themed, New Beginnings. It kicks off with you thinking about your theme verse / word of the year and steps you plan on taking to grow closer to God.


It then goes into self discovery questions that guides you into thinking about areas that God is calling you to, as well as any idols that’s taken a hold of your life that you need to let go of. It then wraps up with allowing you to give a prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God. By day 31, you will have a bit of clarity on areas you need to focus on in the months ahead.


The spiritual journal prompt sheet also comes with lined and blank journaling pages.  Once you start doing this annually, you begin to notice trends and gain insights on things you have been struggling with for far too long that you should let go of as well areas in your journey where you have been stagnant. 

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Without further ado, here are our 31 spiritual journaling prompts, feel free to come back to the blog daily for each days Christian journaling prompt or subscribe to our newsletter and snag the free printable with reflection pages.

  1. My theme verse, song and or word for the year and what it means to me
  2. What actionable steps can I take this year to prioritize my relationship with God?
  3. Christian Books I want to read this year, make a list
  4. What is God calling me to do that I am avoiding? Pray about this
  5. Books of the Bible I would like to prioritize for in-depth study and why
  6. List of people or situations that I want to fervently pray for and why
  7. What idols are there in my life that I need to get rid of? Pray about these
  8. Ways I can be of service in my community and or at my local church?
  9. List of Bible verses I would like to commit to memory this year
  10. What sins are there in my life that I need to get rid of? Pray about these
  11. What are my spiritual gifts and how can I use them to glorify God?
  12. Do you feel close to God right now? Why or Why not? Pray about this
  13. Bible Studies you would like to do individually or with a group, make a list
  14. Song lyrics that speak to me and why, write out the words of the song
  15. 5 things I am grateful for and how can I practice gratitude daily
  16. What I want my daily devotional time to look like
  17. How can I still grow my faith when life gets busy?
  18. Ways I can practice being still daily so I can hear God speaking to me
  19. What relationships do I need to let go of and why? Pray about these
  20. How can I be more hospitable to others inviting them into my heart and home?
  21. Plan a weekend faith retreat for yourself, what does this look like?
  22. The areas in my life where I need to put more trust in God
  23. Write about a time when God answered your prayer
  24. Am I honoring God in my singleness / marriage?
  25. What am I willing to deny myself in pursuit of godliness?
  26. Steps I can take to grow my prayer life this year
  27. How can I practice more self-control this year?
  28. What is my spiritual life lacking? Pray about this
  29. Struggles I want to overcome
  30. What 3 lessons did God teach me through Bible Reading this month?
  31. Write a prayer of worship and praise to God
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Additional Christian Journaling Prompts

Whether you incorporate these as prayer journaling prompts or gratitude journaling prompts, my hope is that these spiritual journaling prompts will be a jumpstart to a growing relationship with Christ. Here are some additional places where you can download additional free faith journal prompts


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